Today, he costs much more omega replica watch expensive. His recently purchased fake hublot collection is a double red seal "Double Red Sea Dweller" 1665, which was replica watches purchased at a Miami watch, at a price of $ 20,000. This is just one of the 3 to 4 hublot replica watches he plans to buy this year.
During the family settlement in the year 2002, the trade mark Ajanta was assigned for all products except Clocks and Time Pieces to the younger son of Shri O.R.Patel, Shri Ashokbhai, who separated from the group with the co. It is known as “Ajanta India Limited”. It involved the activities manufacturing CFl lamps, mobiles and Healthcare products. In 2006, Ajanta Quartz diversified into consumer goods and vitrified tiles as the demand for clocks dwindled to by 15-20% annually. Ajanta also claims about 60% share of India compact fluorescent lamps market, competing with companies like Philips and Osram. The company focused on volumes to get economies of scale, putting little money on advertisement and passing on the cost benefit to customer. Today, the Group’s profile includes educational toys and home appliance products such as electric iron, toaster, hand blenders, emergency lamps and more. The Strategy has been to leverage strong distribution channels and introduce more and more products, which can be manufactured using facilities available with the company. This maximizes the group business and also popularizes its brands. Beyond looking outward for opportunity, Patel’s is firm in his business’ commitment to social responsibility and the community around him. Of the total 7000-plus people employed at Ajanta, more than 5000 are woman. Because he believe that Women are more sincere and less prone to wasting time at work thus proving to be far more productive than men.
Read moreAshok O Patel
As a Managing Director of Ajanta India Limited i have 35 years of vast experience in manufacturing and marketing. Since the age of 16 years, i took over the responsibility of marketing the Ajanta Quartz Clocks. Since the inception of Ajanta Quartz, i had taken over the operational and marketing responsibility of Ajanta Quartz and Under my authority the company never looked back and the Ajanta Quartz became a house hold name. Under my authority the company forayed into FMCG, electronics and electrical appliances. The entry of the company into the Mobile sector is my brain child. The company has raised its manufacturing and marketing activities with a wide range of state of the art Mobile Phones incorporating the latest technology at a very affordable price. The company was awarded with the certificate for largest export of consumer electronic goods in the year 1999-2000 By Shri.Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Honorable Prime Minister of India.
Shivam Ashok Patel
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A K Vikram
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